On a typical day you can find me at the park passing out PB&Js, rearranging my living room, reading “Dear Zoo” for the 5th time and reminding myself to pause and take it all in. Because when I scroll through photos on my phone of just last Christmas I’m shocked by how much these kids have changed, how much they've grown and gosh just how stinking much I love them.
I take a semi-documentary style approach when photographing families like I do with my own kids.
Mostly observing, interacting a little and striving to notice and capture the little details that I want to remember forever!
"Alexa is serious the best photographer we have ever worked with...
There is something truly special about her; my son who is pretty shy fell in love with her right away and was able to be comfortable and himself during the shoot which was amazing!"
"my son who is pretty shy fell in love with her right away and was able to be comfortable and himself which was amazing!"